Thursday, April 17, 2014

Indoor and Outdoor Pictures from April 12

So I went on vacation for two weeks and this is what I came back to find.  A non-gardener took care of my indoor and outdoor plants.  I love my non-gardener and have done the same to my plants myself.  This is not a complaint, it is just another step in life.  So don't worry, be happy.  LOL.

 The pumpkins are not looking very good.

Here they are from the other side of the tray.

These are a little better than the ones above.

I had already tortured these plants by accidentally fertilizing them and then they dried up while I was gone.

The tomatoes I left in the greenhouse are looking the best.

The rhubarb didn't get watered and is looking pretty sick.

This Oxalis I put outside during the winter to die, because it kept getting little white flies.  I didn't care if it died.  There are two more smaller ones in the house.  It got no water and of course it is growing just fine.

The garlic got not water and it is growing great.

The same for the wandering onions.  Shallots are planted on the left side of the brown sticks, but nothing is growing yet.

No potatoes in either of the potato beds yet, but there is an extra skinny asparagus growing.  Can you see it?

A close-up of the asparagus in the potato bed.

Lots of pretty daffodils are blooming.  Mine are in the shade so they bloom later than most of my neighbors.

I'm loving all the blossoms on my pear tree.  The clouds are pretty nice in the background too.

I brought home a bunch of raspberry and strawberry plants from my mom's house.

I was given these frames and I am turning them into strawberry beds.  Hubby and I started filling one before I decided to take pictures.  Had to move some of the rock on the tarp to put the one frame down.  It is too heavy for me to lift.  Hubby will move it later.

We got a yard of Triple Mix.

We scooped it up by buckets full and dumped it into the frames.  Well I did half buckets.

We got the back three beds done and it was looking like there wasn't going to be enough soil.  In the back left corner of this picture you can see a 20 gallon bucket.  There are four of these filled with 3 or 4 year old horse manure. We put one bucketful in the bottom of the next three frames and them filled them with the Triple Mix.  There was just enough soil to fill the last bed.

Here they are covered with pig wire and a screen to keep the cats out.  My yard seems to be the place all critters like to go.  And I mean go in more ways than one.

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