Wednesday, July 9, 2014

More Yard and Garden Pictures

The carrot seeds are all formed now and ready to bag.

A close up of the largest bunch of seeds.

As I was putting the bag around the seeds the stocks broke off.  There are a lot of ants in the ground at the stock.  They must have been eating the carrots.  There are some garlic stalks that are brown next to the carrots.  These were ones I didn't see last year and they grew.  One got caught in the clip when bagging the carrot seeds so decided it was time to pull them all up.

This is what the carrot stocks looked like where they broke off.  There are 3 ants on there, but you probably can't see them.

Here is the garlic that was growing next to the carrots.

This bed of garlic I planted in the spring never flowered and they are dying.  This is the first time I have planted garlic in the spring, but I wanted the garlic and you can only buy it at nurseries in the spring, so I gave it a try.

Here is what I pulled up.  It is single round balls.  Cloves didn't form.  I will use some and save some to plant the end of next month and see what happens.

What strawberries survived are growing good.  My little Easter Bunny helper is so good at watering now that she turns on the water, waters, and turns off the water without me going out to help her.

Here are 4 tomato plants growing as volunteers.  I planted the rhubarb plant there and  tomato seeds from 2 years ago have taken over.

Only one yellow leaf from the rhubarb plant is left in the center of the tomatoes.

Several Elderberry plant are growing after we pulled what we saw out of the ground earlier this year.

Here is the other one that didn't get dug out yet.  It has lots of flowers and the birds will soon have food.

The few peaches we have are looking good.  To bad they are at the top of the tree.  We will net them soon and hopefully the birds don't get them all.

A few more peaches.

The grapes are growing good.

These cups are working great for trapping the aphids.  They are so thickly covered that I need to make new ones.  It was nice looking for grapes and not getting a million aphids in my face this year.

These three Yukon Gold potato plants have not grown very well.  They just don't grow as all well as all the others do.  We will be digging them up in another week or two.

I am standing just in front of the peach tree.  This is where the raspberries used to be until it became too shady in the afternoon.  I moved the raspberries and have been working on putting down plastic and gravel to eliminate another cat bathroom area.  One yard of gravel down and I need about 1/2 yard more and I will be done.

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