Thursday, May 5, 2011

Planting Tomatoes

Two of the tubs for tomatoes.

Two more tubs and a pot for tomatoes.

First is a thick layer of gravel in the bottom of each tub.

Next is a single layer of Floating Row Cover.  I had a large piece that was torn, so I cut it into pieces that would fit in the tub.  This will keep the soil from going in the gravel and allow the water to drain below the soil.  This should keep them from getting over watered.

Here is one of the tomato plants I started indoors from a seed.  On the right is the same plant with the bottom leaves removed for planting.  Remove the bottom leaves when planting in containers or in the ground.

Make a trench for the tomato plant to lay in.  Lay the tomato plant down in the trench.  Do this when planting in containers or in the ground.

Gently curl the top of the plant up and cover the rest of the root and stem with soil.  Press the soil in tight around the plant.  Do this when planting in containers or in the ground.

The plant will stand up by itself once all the soil in press in around it.  Roots will grow all along the buried stem and create a strong root system for the tomato plant.  Give the plant with lots of water when finished.

Here are some of the tubs and the pot when finished.  The Walls-of-Water are half filled.  They have tomato cages in them to hold them open.  They are now protected from the wind, but open so they don't die of heat.  When it gets cold the tomato cages can be remove and the Walls-of-Water can be closed.

Tomatoes in containers along the patio.

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