Monday, February 17, 2014

Update of Seeds Planted 2-1-14

Here are the plants that have grown from the seeds planted 2-1-14.

This is the seeds from a bumpy pumpkin that Larry got at Halloween time and carved.  We saved some seeds to see how they would grow.  As you can see they are growing very well.  And fast I might add.

I put a little of my soil-less mixture into a large peat pot and put an inch or more of roots into the pot near the outside edge.  Added more of the mixture and laid more of the roots on it and keep going until it was full enough to set the small peat starter cell down.  I tore back the top edge of the paper around the peat cell and finished filling with the rest of the soil-less mixture.  I wrote the  unofficial name on the peat pot near of top and watered it well.  The soil-less mixture I used today was 2 parts peat moss, 1 part perlite, and 1 part vermiculite. We were going to transplant on Saturday, but the peat moss was 2 years old and hard as a rock.  I put some in a bucket with hot tap water and broke it up somewhat a few hours later with a trowel.  It took two days to soak up all the water and fall apart.

Here are the other plants that are starting to grow.  Tomatoes in the front and pumpkins in the back.

These are the pumpkins from the photo above.  They need transplanting soon too.  I am waiting for the grandkids to get here to transplant them.  These are Big Max pumpkins for them.

Here are some of the other tomatoes, pumpkins, gourds and cantaloupe.  See how tall and skinny the center plant in the far right row is.  I was the first to germinate and was growing towards the window for several days before I got the grow lights out.  I will plant most of that stem under ground when it gets put into a larger pot.  The stem underground will grow lots of roots.

These are under two grow lights on the coffee table in the front room.

If you want to plant by the moon signs then Feb 20 and 21 are the days to plant below ground crops.  I will be starting my onion seeds then. March 1, 2, 10, and 11 are the days to plant above ground crops.  I will be planting lettuce, spinach, and peas outside then.  March 19, 20, 28, and 29, are the days to plant below ground crops. I will be planting potatoes then.

Here is what happens when you give two children garden trowels and let them dig alone outside.

Little sister plants big brother.  Then it is big brothers turn.
They each got two turns at planting each other and then too much dirt had fallen into the hole and it wasn't deep enough.  This was Saturday and when they came in they said, "It was a very good day.  It is always a good day when you can get dirty."  Well they certainly did that.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Planted Seeds Indoors Today

According to The Old Farmer's 2014 Almanac February 1, 2, 10, and 11 are the best days based on the Moon's sign to plant above ground crops.
Today I planted tomato, cucumber, gourd, cantaloupe and pumpkin seeds in the peat cells that expand in water and are covered with a paper mesh.

 Here are the small peat cells in a box that cupcakes were in.

 I labeled them on the outside of the box.

This is the large peat cells with the rest of the things planted today.  These containers were from the local grocery store that were being thrown out.  They were missing the tops.  I used two tacks to hold two container bottoms together (one right side up and one upside down).  I wrote on the edge of the bottom container what is in each cell.
Everything is sitting on a table in front of a South facing window.  I will get the grow light out and place them under it as soon as something germinates.